ICYMI – The Most Popular Blogs of 2021

Grab a cup of coffee and enjoy our most popular tips and info from 2021. We talked about work-life balance, being busy, what it’s really like to be an entrepreneur, how to get help growing your business with the support of the right business coach and mastermind group, inspo to market for good, and ideas to automate your marketing.

Daniel Lim: Real Estate for Investors

Daniel Lim and the team at Lim Realty Group have a passion for investment properties and love making the connection between a hidden gem and an investor.

Event Recap: How to Create a Sales Mindset with Kim White

Kimberly White

Want to improve the sales for your business? This post recaps a recent event at Haven where Kim White shared the strategies she recommends for shifting away from a fixed mindset towards a growth mindset and how doing that will help prepare you for more sales in your business.

Listen and Learn! Recommended Podcasts from Haven Members

Marketing for Good - Marketing for good isn’t just for big brands. You can learn a lot from these 12 local, small businesses that market for good in Central Ohio.

Podcasts are a great way to absorb new information for those with busy lifestyles. Turn them on while driving, exercising, cleaning up around the house, or as a replacement to screen time. Our members shared some of their favorite programs in this listen and learn post.

LOUDX Studio

Loud X Logo

The Haven Mansion has enjoyed an injection of new energy these days thanks in part to LOUDX Studio. We’ve been working very closely with the founders for some time and are thrilled that they now call Haven home. LOUDX Studio is a hands-on strategic design and innovation firm focused on helping organizations build better products, […]