Lee Cordell is One Balanced Mama

Lee Cordell is working hard to have it all and balance it at the same time and she’s made it her mission to help other women do it too.

Goals with Soul

You are what you think, so we must be careful with our words, choosing to speak only those that cultivate our highest good. Learn how to set goals with soul so you can truly start to think that nothing is impossible and create the life you want.

Just Do the Damn Thing

Fear will not paralyze me from living a full life. Sometimes you find inspiration in the most unlikeliest of places.

More Than ‘Just’ Coworkers

Connecting, collaborating & celebrating are at the core of coworking. Let’s surround ourselves with kickass coworkers who offer high fives, hugs, and smiles in spades for every celebratory moment, then listen and give advice when things don’t quite go our way.