5 Tips for Maximizing Your Coworking Experience

Photo by Javier Molina

Photo by Javier Molina

Congratulations! You’ve invested in yourself by choosing to cowork. The membership agreement’s been signed and you’ve taken the tour and you know where to caffeinate. You’re hopefully still riding high on the wave of excitement about no longer working from the couch at home or the local Panera. The only thing left to discover is how to get the most from your coworking membership.

Maybe you’re just giving the coworking space a test run, so now is the perfect time to settle in and make sure the space really suits how you work. We wrote a blog about the questions to ask before choosing your coworking space; so check it out here. You’re presumably using the space to be more productive, expand your network, and develop new skills, so make sure the cowork aligns with your #hustlestyle.

These 5 tips will help you get settled and make sure that the distractions of working in a shared workspace work FOR you instead of against you. After all, you’re there to focus and get sh*t done.

1. Test it out Goldilocks style

Each coworking space will have multiple areas for you to test out. Definitely move around the space and try them all to find the perfect spots to get your best work done throughout the day. Maybe in the morning you need some solitude to focus and in the afternoon you crave activity and energy, so seek out spaces that enable you to really feel comfortable, just like Goldilocks.

2. Create your routine

Now that you’ve created space between work and home, you can start to create a routine. Whether you start working from the cowork daily or just a couple of days each week, make it a routine or habit that you stick to. Adopting a schedule for yourself will bring you peace and free time. You read that right; your routine will enable you to check more items off your list, bringing order to your day. That means you’ll be able to prioritize free time, eliminate some of that procrastination, and improve your mental health in the process.

3. Lean into distractions

New coworkers and activity surround you. When you’ll in a rut or need to get out of your head, lean into the distractions for inspiration. Walk to the kitchen or water cooler and strike up a conversation. Peruse bookshelves, event calendars, or inspirational quotes & artwork that abound in your new space.

4. Network with coworkers

Since you’re no longer isolated, working from home, introduce yourself to your new coworkers. Every interaction is a new opportunity to make a friend, a new client, or collaboration partner. The built-in community of each space is unique and these like-minded individuals are there to meet you, to broaden your perspective, and help you with your latest endeavor. Remember to promote yourself and your business. Let people in and watch your business grow.

5. Dive in

You’ve heard it before; you get out only what you put in. So, dive into the activities, gatherings, and events that the coworking community hosts for you and participate. These perks are part of your membership, just like the caffeine and snacks, so take advantage and enjoy. Have an idea for future events, share them and offer to help organize. You are in a special situation where you can help shape the community where you cowork.

These tips will help you make the most of your coworking experience. Now that you’re more productive, connected, and efficient, what other tips do you have for utilizing your cowork? Share them with us.  

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