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Our Vision for 2022: A Chat About Expansion – and How to Do It

Haven Collective Co-Creators, Danielle Lim and Melissa Blackburn
Photo by Sugar Plum Creative

There are three words that we are keeping in mind as we enter into 2022: Community. Connection. Growth.

A lot has changed in the world in the past couple of years, forcing a lot of people to rethink…well…everything.

Something we’ve learned through all the societal changes is this:

When things get tough, you don’t have to give up on your goals – you just have to reimagine what they look like. In order to keep our community at Haven thriving, we had to think outside the box and pivot how we did things. If we got knocked down, we took a beat, got back up, and asked, “How can we better serve our people? What do our people need?”

As we moved out of 2021, we zeroed in on what our members need in order to be successful.

This constant state of reframing and reevaluating allowed us the opportunity to not only deepen into our roots but to also look beyond our walls within Columbus – it gave us the inspiration to EXPAND.

In this post, let’s talk about what expansion looks like for us here at Haven this year!

Expand the Community

Since the beginning, our mission has always been to help people connect and grow, professionally and personally. We started (and still are!) a coworking space, but we have also opened up a Community Membership that allows entrepreneurs, WFHers, and freelancers the opportunity to grow their skills and business while they enjoy community, connection, and collaboration with fellow professionals from anywhere, online.

As our Community Memberships have become more necessary for the success of our members, we asked ourselves: How can we make this experience better?

The answer? We need more resources and more experts to talk about a broader range of topics. AKA, we need to expand our expertise!

But how?

We’ve always been a grassroots business and our growth has come mainly from word of mouth.

So, in order to go places we’ve never been, we had to do something we haven’t yet done!

For us, that has meant investing in digital advertising and marketing. In order to expand our community, we needed to invest in getting the word out, within Columbus and beyond!

Expand Resources

Haven is not only a place for people to collect and get work done, it’s a community that fosters professional success and personal fulfillment.

As part of our Virtual Membership, members receive one-on-one coaching, group Collectives, online support, and connection, as well as a resource library stocked with content.

It’s two-fold: Expanding our community also means expanding our resources for our members. As more experts come into our circle, the more expertise we can share with the community. The more resources that are available, the more people will join this awesome, kick-ass community!

In summary, we have some amazing coaches and business leaders that are joining us for 2022. New coaches in our teaching rosters offer us their special genius on topics such as leadership, digital marketing, sales, finance, legality, and more.

Expand Collective Groups

One of the benefits of our Community Membership is our Collective Groups (it’s our version of what’s most commonly called ‘masterminds’).

Our Collective Groups have been at the heart of our members’ success lately. These virtual tribes have been crucial to helping our people level up in their business and in their life.

As we have received positive feedback on this service, we also have received constructive feedback. And part of growing isn’t staying content with the positive, it’s also acting on the constructive.

We took our brainstorm session into the implementation phase in order to enhance and improve our Collective Groups. We’re implementing new technology, leaning into monthly networking opportunities, and providing access to a broader range of coaches and business leaders.

The better service we provide to our community, the better service they provide to theirs.

A Lesson on Taking Risks

As you can see, we have a lot planned for 2022! And while we’re super excited for this year of expansion, it’s also realistic to talk about the apprehension of taking risks in your business.

Right now, taking risks might not be where you are at with your business. And that’s OK! Sometimes staying steady on the course is the best route to take.

When you’re ready to take some risks, the first question should always be, “How can we better serve our people? What do our people need?”

Here are some tips for when you are ready to take a risk and expand your business:

  1. Gain clarity on your business. What do you want it to look like for you? For your staff? And for those you serve?

  2. Receive helpful feedback from peers. Get around like-minded people that help your brainstorm and troubleshoot your strategy for growth.

  3. Take accountability for these goals. In order to grow our business, it’s important we need accountability for the actions that we put towards it.

  4. Build a strong team. Who do you need to reach your business goals? Do you need to hire employees? Do you need to outsource some of the work? Do you need some cheerleaders? Who do you need to make magic happen?

  5. Keep a fresh perspective. If things veer off course, take a step back and reevaluate it. Remember, you don’t need to give up on your dreams, you just need to reimagine what they look like.

Last, but certainly not least – ask yourself: What do you need as we enter into 2022?

Do you need the motivation to stay the course?

Do you need a strategy on how to expand?

Do you need coaches to help you reach your goals?

Do you need cheerleaders to help you feel empowered?

If you answered YES to any of these questions, check out our opportunities at Haven Collective. From coworking to Community Memberships, we are here to serve you.

Click the button below to see if Haven is the next step for you!

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