Eryn Gilson: One Hot Marketing Mama


Eryn Gilson, 614 Mom and Eryn Gilson Consulting

Eryn Gilson, 614 Mom and Eryn Gilson Consulting


Eryn Gilson loves writing and people. She finds joy in hearing the stories of others then helping retell those stories. Her passions led her to start the blog 614 Mom, which supports women and local businesses. By creating 614 Mom, Eryn built a reputation as an entrepreneur, which led to  freelancing. As Eryn continued to expand her freelancing, Eryn Gilson Consulting was born to help businesses grow and manage their digital marketing. 

“It started with 614 Mom and then a lot of people were asking me to help them figure out their own marketing, so Eryn Gilson Consulting happened organically. Now I have clients that don’t even know about 614 Mom. Eryn Gilson Consulting is a brand of its own.”

Creativity comes naturally for Eryn, and she loves that the career she’s created allows her to be creative every single day. For her, there’s nothing more fulfilling than watching her clients have their lightbulb moment with digital marketing where it all comes together and makes sense.

Haven Collective has truly helped Eryn reach her full potential. Before joining Haven, she was working from home and didn’t have the time or space to do everything she wanted. Now, she’s able to enjoy her time at home and be fully present for her family instead of being pulled in different directions. Eryn even wrote a post on 614 Mom sharing her experience with her readers.

Haven’s community of inspirational people was another draw. “I’m always meeting someone new and whether it leads to a new client or not, they are doing amazing things that inspire me. The people have meant the most to me at Haven,” Eryn said.

Eryn’s recommendation for anyone struggling to find the work-life balance she’s been able to create in her days would be to utilize time blocking for work productivity. She finds that dedicating a specific amount of time to each client helps her focus and allows her to leave her work behind at the end of the day so she can be 100% present with her family once she’s home. 

Eryn time blocks two days each month completely devoted to writing, “On these days, I ignore the world and write. This helps me tremendously to stay on track with all of my goals, and I have content ready for whenever I need it.”

For those looking to get into freelancing or digital marketing, Eryn offers some advice, “Just start! Fear holds us back more than it needs to. There’s a chance that you’ll fall but you’ll pick yourself up and keep going. You’ll learn from it. Reach out to people that you admire and offer to bring them coffee. They might even have work that they can’t do and send your way. Networking is huge.” 

“It is such a positive environment full of people who inspire and believe in me. There are a lot of co-working spaces in Columbus but Haven is truly one-of-a-kind. What really sets them apart is the heart behind it. Mel and Danielle are so genuine and passionate about their space.”

To learn more about Eryn, read 614 Mom here. To work with or learn from Eryn, check out her services and classes from Eryn Gilson Consulting, learn more here

By: Rachel Rothstein

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