Nina Boyce: Healing Hormones Naturally

Nina Boyce’s journey to entrepreneur was not a given. She never thought as a middle school choir teacher that she’d find and follow another passion and go her own way. But, we’re so glad she did! Nourished With Nina is a women’s hormone, fertility, and Reiki practice, with programs focusing on educating women to transition off of birth control, live in flow with their menstrual cycle, and restore their fertility. Through a bio-individual lens, Nina guides clients toward making nutritional and lifestyle changes that support their unique body.

Women looking for support in getting pregnant or wanting a natural alternative to birth control work with Nina to achieve their fertility goals. To do that, Nina taps into her expertise as a trained Fertility Awareness Educator, certified Health Coach, and Reiki (I and II certified) practitioner to help clients find health and balance holistically.

A few years ago, after struggling with chronic anxiety and hormone imbalance, Nina started researching how nutrition and lifestyle modifications could support her body again. She soon became obsessed with all the new information she’d learned so she enrolled in the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and became a certified Health Coach. Since then, her journey has followed a more spiritual and holistic path that includes the healing modality of Reiki.


“After I quit my teaching position, I solely worked from home. I was definitely a coffee-shop hopper. While I enjoyed the mobility and freedom, it has been really nice to have a place that truly feels like “home.” Having a designated community and building new relationships is something I really look forward to as I continue to work at Haven!”

— Nina Boyce

Nina’s passion even expands beyond her clients, as she shares her expertise with all of us through her Healing Hormones podcast. Sharing her passion broadly with the world is important for her. She believes that “If you have a message to share, listen to that intuitive voice, and GO for it. It doesn’t have to automatically turn into a full-time business if that isn’t your desire. Follow what lights you up, little by little, and go from there. If you want to take a huge leap — do it. If you want to start small — perfect. There is no right or wrong way to begin your business. You just have to start somewhere!”

Over time, Nourished With Nina has had to make adjustments to how they support clients as changes in our environment dictate. Most of Nina’s Reiki, hormone, and fertility clients are currently virtual (meeting via ZOOM), with a handful of in-person appointments.

Another change that’s shifted Nina’s practice has been a change in her personal life. She’s pregnant with her first baby! When asked how that’s changed Nourished With Nina, she says, “Since getting pregnant, I have noticed that my practice has shifted more towards fertility support, (and my podcast content as well), just as much supporting clients with natural birth control and general hormone balance.”

One aspect of entrepreneurship that Nina cherishes the most is being in control of creating her own schedule and having the ability to be intentional with her time. She can choose when to work and how often to travel with her husband or support him in his business venture when needed. They have a unique opportunity to truly work together as a team.

When Nina’s not working on her business, you’ll find her enjoying yoga or relaxing with her husband, friends, and adorable pup Jaxon. She loves exploring Columbus, finding a new coffee shop, wandering a different neighborhood, or just taking in the sites.

Nina hopes to continue growing her business and shaping it around her new life…being a mama. She’ll continue following her intuition as she expects to continue training in fertility, postpartum, and even the doula world in the future.

If you’d like to work with Nina, she is in the process of enrolling her final 3-month hormone coaching clients before she takes time for maternity leave. She’s also excited to schedule virtual and in-person Reiki clients.

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