Do’s + Don’ts of Email Marketing: Tips from Tonnisha English

Note taking in notebook while sitting in the sunshine
Photo by Sugar Plum Creative

This week, Tonnisha English of TJE Communications shared a bunch of tips and advice about email marketing. All Haven members can watch the replay of the event any time they need to inside the Member Resource Library. For those of you who just want the key takeaways, this is the blog for you!

3 Top Email Marketing Do’s

  1. DO use email marketing to connect with your network of current and potential customers, vendors, and contacts. Email marketing is the BEST way to message multiple people at one time to build loyalty, trust, and brand awareness. PLUS, the ROI is ridiculous! We’re talking $36 for every dollar spent. Take that to the bank. 

  2. DO get permission from your recipients to email them in advance. Buying lists with names of people who did not opt into receiving messages from you is tricky and can land you in a bad place. You could annoy your recipients, get banned from your email marketing platform if you’ve been flagged as a spammer, or face fines if messaging people in the EU illegally.

  3. DO try, test, adjust, and learn. Creating subject lines that resonate with your audience is a skill you can practice and learn. Speaking in your voice to connect and grow your audience is doable. Much of it is trial and error in the beginning, but your dashboard of metrics can help guide you along the way. 


3 Top Email Marketing Don’ts

  1. DON’T forget to keep it fresh. We all get stuck in ruts from time to time, so make sure to continually improve by watching your metrics, asking subscribers for ideas of what they’d like to hear more about, and keeping up on email marketing trends. You’d hate to lose subscribers because you’ve grown stale.

  2. DON’T forget to add your preview / preheader text. Think of this as an extension of your subject line or an additional teaser to get them to open your email. It’s basically a second chance to make a first impression…and how often does that happen?

  3. DON’T forget to include multiple Calls-to-Action because people don’t always read every word we type. We skim and some words or phrases might stand out to you differently than they stand out to me, so create multiple CTAs that point to the same place that you want them to go. It’s ok, and encouraged.


To connect with Tonnisha for more tips and advice about digital and email marketing, check out the TJE Communications website and Instagram

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