Beth Menduni: Video Story Studio

Beth Menduni is the powerhouse behind Mkg Dept and Video Story Studio. Beth is on a mission to turn professional service providers into lead-generating, trusted experts through the use of video that converts. By pulling out the story and sharing it through targeted messaging, Beth’s clients can easily create a human connection with their audience, build relationships, and earn new business. That’s the genius of video in action.

Beth’s passion for video started back in high school with a love of photography. She took every photography class she could access and when her dad bought her a camera, it became a way for her to bond with him, spending hours in the car with him as they scouted out places to shoot. It wasn’t long before Beth found her sweet spot…photographing people. She’s been drawn to that human connection and sharing stories visually ever since.

Once in college at Ohio University, Beth’s love of photography and theater morphed into her future career path: Visual Communications. During her studies, she tried a video editing class and it opened up a whole new world for her. After college, Beth made her way to a video production company and her editing experience was her golden ticket as she progressed to the editor and then onwards to production. All Beth’s talents and passions collided in production where she could help develop people’s stories and tell them visually.

Today, in Mkg Dept and Video Story Studio, Beth and her team take those talents a step farther, not only helping develop the story but they focus on the intended audience as well and what they really need to hear in order to move them towards the desired action. Beth’s clients are in good hands. Her curious nature led her to this place and is the cornerstone of her ability to successfully develop stories that convert and build connections.

Everyone’s path to entrepreneurship looks different. For Beth, she was laid off five years ago and she says it was the best thing that ever happened to her. It pushed her to finally take the leap that had been in the back of her mind for a while. She started on her own path and though it’s been full of ups and downs, she wouldn’t have it any other way. What started as a typical marketing agency has niched down to Beth’s sweet spot over time as she grew more confident as a business owner. She’s a video production superstar and Beth says, “what I’m creating truly helps businesses grow. It’s more than video, it’s so much more than the video, I don’t make pretty things. I don’t make Super Bowl creative videos. No, I make ones that will bring about human connection, and conversion. That’s the goal. And I think so many business owners and so many small businesses do not know how to communicate that value. And that’s what I bring to the table is that clarity and messaging.”

For those people waiting for the perfect moment to start their businesses, Beth’s advice is to “face your fear and do it anyway. You know you’re going to be terrified, you’re going to be afraid of making all the mistakes. But the only mistake you could truly make that’ll be terrible is if you don’t move on something and you stay complacent.”

Right before COVID arrived on the scene, Mkg Dept opened the Video Story Studio so that there would be a space for people to record content that was simple, all-inclusive, and full of the backdrops needed to create videos that resonate. The space has grown slowly but more intentionally over the last eighteen months. But Beth’s more confident than ever. The Video Story Studio is amazing [you can take our word for it, we’ve shot many videos there this past year]. It’s got beautiful lighting colored backdrops, a teleprompter, and all the equipment that you need to show up and be amazing on camera, and share your story and create content that will draw your target demographic in.

“I love helping other people grow, and I love helping them to make connections to move past stuck, and to move forward. And it’s a talent that I have, and being able to share that with a world where I’m valued, that’s huge.”

Beth’s hope for the future of Mkg Dept and Video Story Studio is that “we’ll be inspiring to other women to step in and own their own thing, do their own thing, be the boss step in the leadership role, because it is possible and I’m having the time of my life and I love working with other people and the people I work with who I bring in on a project basis and bring on my team. I really searched for other voices that are not behind the camera that are not writing the scripts the other experiences I want that I created because our society needs it. So I will offer this opportunity for other people to use their voice and use their creativity and work with my company to create something beautiful. And something that’s impactful.”

Outside the office, you’ll catch Beth playing sports with her five-year-old, creating art like throwing clay, or using her new cooking and baking skills in the kitchen.

Working with Beth is an absolute dream and it all starts with a Story Sketch. Book a time to work on yours with her by clicking this link. You are gonna have a wonderful time.

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