Phyllis Nichols: SoundAdvice Sales & Marketing

Phyllis Nichols amplifies women’s voices with SoundAdvice. is a podcasting network devoted to women. They produce podcasts for businesses and authors because they’re passionate about helping women be heard. When Phyllis started podcasting a few years ago, less than 10% of podcasts were women-hosted. Over the years, the numbers have improved, but only to 26%. The top 200 podcasts only feature a handful of women-hosted shows too. Phyllis wants to be a catalyst for change in this category. 

“I know women are just as smart and are sharing equally great content, so we’re helping to amplify women’s voices on our podcast network SoundAdvice.FM as well.” 

Like many entrepreneurs, Phyllis feels that her purpose found her. She was in corporate sales for years and when the company sold, she departed and charted her own course. She founded SoundAdvice in 2008 focusing on training sales teams but quickly realized that poor messaging got in the way, so Phyllis started fixing the messaging, and while on that path, she got asked if she could help a client start a podcast. She hasn’t looked back.

By trusting what she knew, Phyllis helped many teams improve their sales and it led her to her true passion. She loves being an entrepreneur and has this to say about her journey so far, “The best part for me is knowing that I’m building an asset that has real value. It took me a while to get here though and I think many women entrepreneurs especially charge too little and devalue what they bring to the table in a sincere effort to be helpful and nice. It took me a couple of years to understand that I can be nice and kind and charge a fair price. Please know this is an ongoing process. Every time we need to change pricing it all comes up again, and I learn this lesson over and over.”

Over the years, SoundAdvice has been through plenty of changes, but in 2016, Phyllis welcomed her husband into her business. He’s leading the SoundAdvice editing team. They make a wonderful team since Phyllis is the big picture and her husband is logical and analytical when she needs support.

Phyllis hopes to grow the network to more than 1000 women-hosted podcasts by the end of 2024. “That’s a BIG goal but I know if we can do it, then we’ll see some amazing women expand their reach and elevate their voices. We know we’ll also be able to help monetize this content. With a big platform we can create access to more opportunities that benefit everyone, says Phyllis.”

We admire big, hairy, audacious goals around here and we look forward to seeing Phyllis accomplish hers. If you have a podcast, she’s love to connect with you to help you grow your show. And if you haven’t started but have had podcasting on your “someday” list, connect with Phyllis. She makes it easy to get started. It’s still possible to make an impact pretty quickly, especially with her expertise in your corner.

When Phyllis is offline, you’ll find her midway through a good book, attending live performances, or traveling out West.

Don't feel that you have to do everything on your own. This took me a while and I held myself back thinking every step of the way I had to figure it all out and do it all myself.  Being connected to a network of others who are on the same path or ahead of you is an invaluable resource.  A former client used to say "give, give, get" and that's served me well. Help others even if it's just being a sounding board and don't be afraid to get support when you need it. 

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